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Toutes les infos concerts The Queen Kings

À quoi s'attendre pour The Queen Kings en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par The Queen Kings lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Spread Your Wings, Who Wants to Live Forever, Gitarrensolo, I Was Born to Love You, I Want to Break Free, Under Pressure, Another One Bites the Dust, Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody to Love, The Show Must Go On, Too Much Love Will Kill You, God save the Queen, We Are the Champions, We Will Rock You, Love of My Life, I Want It All, Radio Ga Ga, Don't Stop Me Now, Hammer to Fall, Friends Will Be Friends, You Don't Fool Me, A Kind of Magic, Tie Your Mother Down, Seven Seas of Rhye, One Vision, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Living on My Own, Bicycle Race, Mustapha (very short), Save Me, Play the Game, Flash, Killer Queen, The Wedding March, Flash (Short Intro).

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par The Queen Kings et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist The Queen Kings à Mönchengladbach Germany

    1. Flash (Short Intro)
    2. Seven Seas of Rhye
    3. One Vision
    4. Tie Your Mother Down
    5. A Kind of Magic
    6. Hammer to Fall
    7. Friends Will Be Friends
    8. You Don't Fool Me
    9. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
    10. Living on My Own
    11. Killer Queen
    12. The Wedding March
    13. Flash
    14. Play the Game
    15. Bicycle Race
    16. Mustapha (very short)
    17. Save Me
    18. Don't Stop Me Now
    1. Radio Ga Ga
    2. Under Pressure
    3. Another One Bites the Dust
    4. I Want to Break Free
    5. I Was Born to Love You
    6. Spread Your Wings
    7. Who Wants to Live Forever
    8. Gitarrensolo
    9. Bohemian Rhapsody
    10. Somebody to Love
    11. Love of My Life
    12. I Want It All
    13. We Will Rock You
    14. We Are the Champions
    1. The Show Must Go On
    2. Too Much Love Will Kill You
    3. God save the Queen

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