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Toutes les infos concerts The Fixx

À quoi s'attendre pour The Fixx en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par The Fixx lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Built for the Future, Something Ahead of You, One Thing Leads to Another, Driven Out, Red Skies, Saved by Zero, Deeper and Deeper, Happy Landings, Just Before Dawn, Wake Up, Less Cities, More Moving People, Stand or Fall, Shut It Out, Closer, Secret Separation, Two Different Views, Are We Ourselves?, The Fool.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par The Fixx et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist The Fixx à Glenside United States

    1. The Fool
    2. Shut It Out
    3. Stand or Fall
    4. Less Cities, More Moving People
    5. Closer
    6. Secret Separation
    7. Are We Ourselves?
    8. Two Different Views
    9. Wake Up
    10. Just Before Dawn
    11. One Thing Leads to Another
    12. Something Ahead of You
    13. Built for the Future
    14. Driven Out
    15. Red Skies
    1. Happy Landings
    2. Deeper and Deeper
    3. Saved by Zero

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