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Toutes les infos concerts The Deep Blue

À quoi s'attendre pour The Deep Blue en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par The Deep Blue lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Heal Over, Cotton White Linen, Lemon Tears, Something Good, You Made Your Bed, He Said She Said, How About It?, Lost Boy, Water, Yellow and Gold, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Honeylove, Chance, Somebody's Daughter, Alanah and The Sea.

The Deep Blue a interprété plus rarement Reading: Katie's Diary, Reading: Love Letters, Set Introduction.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par The Deep Blue et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Manchester United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Glasgow United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Cambridge United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Leeds United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Bristol United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Birmingham United Kingdom

    1. Set Introduction
    2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun
    1. Yellow and Gold
    2. Honeylove
    3. Reading: Katie's Diary
    4. Chance
    5. Alanah and The Sea
    1. Somebody's Daughter
    2. Water
    3. Lost Boy
    4. Lemon Tears
    1. Reading: Love Letters
    2. Cotton White Linen
    3. Heal Over
    4. Something Good
    5. You Made Your Bed
    1. How About It?
    2. He Said She Said

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Sheffield United Kingdom

    1. Girls Just Want to Have Fun
    2. Yellow and Gold
    3. Honeylove
    4. Chance
    5. Alanah and The Sea
    6. Somebody's Daughter
    7. Water
    8. Lost Boy
    9. Lemon Tears
    10. Cotton White Linen
    11. Heal Over
    12. Something Good
    13. You Made Your Bed
    14. How About It?
    15. He Said She Said

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Leeds United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Liverpool United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Bury United Kingdom

  • Setlist The Deep Blue à Manchester United Kingdom

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