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Toutes les infos concerts The Blood Brothers

À quoi s'attendre pour The Blood Brothers en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par The Blood Brothers lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers, Birth Skin/Death Leather, Beautiful Horses, Crimes, Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck, Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon, The Shame, Jennifer, Fucking's Greatest Hits, Guitarmy, Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy, Vital Beach, Laser Life, My First Kiss at the Public Execution, USA Nails, Trash Flavored Trash, Ambulance vs. Ambulance, Burn, Piano Island, Burn, Teen Heat, We Ride Skeletal Lightning, Camouflage, Camouflage, Set Fire to the Face on Fire, Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers.

The Blood Brothers a interprété plus rarement Terminator Theme.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par The Blood Brothers et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Chicago United States

    1. Set Fire to the Face on Fire
    2. Trash Flavored Trash
    3. USA Nails
    4. My First Kiss at the Public Execution
    5. Laser Life
    6. Ambulance vs. Ambulance
    7. Burn, Piano Island, Burn
    8. Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
    9. Camouflage, Camouflage
    10. We Ride Skeletal Lightning
    11. Teen Heat
    12. Vital Beach
    13. Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy
    14. Crimes
    15. Beautiful Horses
    16. Birth Skin/Death Leather
    17. Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers
    18. Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
    19. Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon
    1. Guitarmy
    2. Fucking's Greatest Hits
    3. Jennifer
    4. The Shame

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Detroit United States

    1. Set Fire to the Face on Fire
    2. Trash Flavored Trash
    3. USA Nails
    4. My First Kiss at the Public Execution
    5. Laser Life
    6. Ambulance vs. Ambulance
    7. Burn, Piano Island, Burn
    8. Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
    9. Camouflage, Camouflage
    10. We Ride Skeletal Lightning
    11. Teen Heat
    12. Vital Beach
    13. Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy
    14. Crimes
    15. Beautiful Horses
    16. Birth Skin/Death Leather
    17. Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers
    18. Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
    19. Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon
    1. Guitarmy
    2. Fucking's Greatest Hits
    3. Jennifer
    4. The Shame

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Brooklyn United States

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Philadelphia United States

    1. Set Fire to the Face on Fire
    2. Trash Flavored Trash
    3. USA Nails
    4. My First Kiss at the Public Execution
    5. Laser Life
    6. Ambulance vs. Ambulance
    7. Burn, Piano Island, Burn
    8. Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
    9. Camouflage, Camouflage
    10. We Ride Skeletal Lightning
    11. Teen Heat
    12. Vital Beach
    13. Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy
    14. Crimes
    15. Beautiful Horses
    16. Birth Skin/Death Leather
    17. Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers
    18. Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
    19. Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon
    1. Guitarmy
    2. Fucking's Greatest Hits
    3. Jennifer
    4. The Shame

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Pomona United States

    1. Terminator Theme
    2. Set Fire to the Face on Fire
    3. Trash Flavored Trash
    4. USA Nails
    5. My First Kiss at the Public Execution
    6. Laser Life
    7. Ambulance vs. Ambulance
    8. Burn, Piano Island, Burn
    9. Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
    10. Camouflage, Camouflage
    11. We Ride Skeletal Lightning
    12. Teen Heat
    13. Vital Beach
    14. Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy
    15. Crimes
    16. Fucking's Greatest Hits
    17. Birth Skin/Death Leather
    18. Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers
    19. Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
    20. Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon
    1. Guitarmy
    2. Beautiful Horses
    3. Jennifer
    4. The Shame

  • Setlist The Blood Brothers à Seattle United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

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