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Toutes les infos concerts Shooting Star

À quoi s'attendre pour Shooting Star en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Shooting Star lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Hollywood, You've Got Love, You've Got What I Need, Breakout, Hang On for Your Life, Are You on My Side, Tonight, Are You Ready, Flesh and Blood, Get Ready Boy, Midnight Man, Summer Sun, Burning, Bring It On, Touch Me Tonight, Wild in the Street.

Shooting Star a interprété plus rarement Last Chance.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Shooting Star et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Shooting Star à Harrison United States

    1. Are You Ready
    2. Midnight Man
    3. Get Ready Boy
    4. Summer Sun
    5. Burning
    6. Touch Me Tonight
    7. Bring It On
    8. Wild in the Street
    9. Flesh and Blood
    10. You've Got What I Need
    11. You've Got Love
    12. Hollywood
    13. Breakout
    14. Hang On for Your Life
    15. Tonight
    1. Are You on My Side
    2. Last Chance

  • Setlist Shooting Star à St. Louis United States

    1. Are You Ready
    2. Midnight Man
    3. Get Ready Boy
    4. Summer Sun
    5. Burning
    6. Touch Me Tonight
    7. Bring It On
    8. Wild in the Street
    9. Flesh and Blood
    10. You've Got What I Need
    11. You've Got Love
    12. Hollywood
    13. Are You on My Side
    14. Breakout
    15. Hang On for Your Life
    16. Tonight

  • Setlist Shooting Star à Kansas City United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

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