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Toutes les infos concerts Screaming Orphans

À quoi s'attendre pour Screaming Orphans en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Screaming Orphans lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Liar, Shine, ....Irish tunes into Happy Together...., Raise Up Your Glass, I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles), The Parting Glass, Whiskey in the Jar, The Life of A Rover, ....song from new album, Go Lassie Go...., The Limerick Rake, ....Irish tunes into Somewhere Over the Rainbow...., John I Love You, Step It Out Mary, ....Scot piper tunes...., Sleep Tight in New York City, The Humour is on Me Now.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Screaming Orphans et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Screaming Orphans à Old Saybrook United States

    1. The Humour is on Me Now
    2. ....Irish tunes into Somewhere Over the Rainbow....
    3. The Limerick Rake
    4. John I Love You
    5. Step It Out Mary
    6. Sleep Tight in New York City
    7. ....Scot piper tunes....
    8. ....song from new album, Go Lassie Go....
    9. The Life of A Rover
    10. ....Irish tunes into Happy Together....
    11. Shine
    12. Liar
    13. Raise Up Your Glass
    14. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
    1. Whiskey in the Jar
    2. The Parting Glass

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