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Toutes les infos concerts Ocean Colour Scene

À quoi s'attendre pour Ocean Colour Scene en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Ocean Colour Scene lors de leurs derniers concerts sont This Day Should Last Forever, It's My Shadow, Half a Dream Away, Get Blown Away, Hundred Mile High City, The Day We Caught the Train, Profit in Peace, Debris Road, The Riverboat Song, July, One for the Road, Travellers Tune, Better Day, The Circle, So Low.

Ocean Colour Scene a interprété plus rarement Fairytale Of New York, Green Onions.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Ocean Colour Scene et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Glasgow United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Birchington-on-Sea United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Logroño Spain

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Newcastle United Kingdom

    1. Fairytale Of New York
    2. The Circle
    3. One for the Road
    4. Families
    5. July
    6. The Downstream
    7. Better Day
    8. So Low
    9. Travellers Tune
    10. Debris Road
    11. Policemen & Pirates
    12. Go to Sea
    13. Half a Dream Away
    14. It's My Shadow
    15. This Day Should Last Forever
    16. Get Blown Away
    17. The Riverboat Song
    18. Hundred Mile High City
    1. Robin Hood / Live Forever
    2. Profit in Peace
    3. The Day We Caught the Train

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Glasgow United Kingdom

    1. One for the Road
    2. Families
    3. July
    4. The Circle
    5. The Downstream
    6. Better Day
    7. So Low
    8. Travellers Tune
    9. Debris Road
    10. Policemen & Pirates
    11. Go to Sea
    12. Half a Dream Away
    13. It's My Shadow
    14. Foxy's Folk Faced
    15. This Day Should Last Forever
    16. Get Blown Away
    17. The Riverboat Song
    18. Hundred Mile High City
    1. Robin Hood
    2. Profit in Peace
    3. The Day We Caught the Train

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Bristol United Kingdom

    1. One for the Road
    2. Families
    3. July
    4. The Circle
    5. The Downstream
    6. Better Day
    7. So Low
    8. Travellers Tune
    9. Half a Dream Away
    10. Debris Road
    11. Policemen & Pirates
    12. Jane She Got Excavated
    13. It's My Shadow
    14. Foxy's Folk Faced
    15. This Day Should Last Forever
    16. Get Blown Away
    17. The Riverboat Song
    18. Hundred Mile High City
    19. Get Away
    1. Robin Hood
    2. Free on the Wind
    3. Profit in Peace
    4. The Day We Caught the Train

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Bournemouth United Kingdom

    1. One for the Road
    2. Families
    3. July
    4. The Circle
    5. The Downstream
    6. Better Day
    7. So Low
    8. Travellers Tune
    9. Half a Dream Away
    10. Debris Road
    11. Policemen & Pirates
    12. Jane She Got Excavated
    13. It's My Shadow
    14. Foxy's Folk Faced
    15. This Day Should Last Forever
    16. Get Blown Away
    17. The Riverboat Song
    18. Hundred Mile High City
    19. Get Away
    1. Robin Hood
    2. Free on the Wind
    3. Profit in Peace
    4. The Day We Caught the Train

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Edinburgh United Kingdom

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Aberdeen United Kingdom

    1. Green Onions
    2. You've Got It Bad
    3. Fleeting Mind
    4. Debris Road
    5. So Low
    6. July
    7. The Clock Struck 15 Hours Ago
    8. North Atlantic Drift
    9. It's My Shadow
    10. Profit in Peace
    11. I Wanna Stay Alive With You
    12. Half a Dream Away
    13. The Riverboat Song
    14. Free on the Wind
    15. This Day Should Last Forever
    16. One for the Road
    17. Travellers Tune
    18. Better Day
    19. The Circle
    20. Get Blown Away
    21. Hundred Mile High City
    1. Robin Hood
    2. The Waves
    3. The Day We Caught the Train

  • Setlist Ocean Colour Scene à Bristol United Kingdom

    1. You've Got It Bad
    2. Fleeting Mind
    3. Debris Road
    4. So Low
    5. July
    6. The Clock Struck 15 Hours Ago
    7. North Atlantic Drift
    8. It's My Shadow
    9. Profit in Peace
    10. I Wanna Stay Alive With You
    11. Half a Dream Away
    12. Free on the Wind
    13. This Day Should Last Forever
    14. One for the Road
    15. Travellers Tune
    16. Better Day
    17. The Circle
    18. The Riverboat Song
    19. Hundred Mile High City
    20. Get Blown Away
    1. Robin Hood / Live Forever
    2. The Waves
    3. The Day We Caught the Train

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