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Toutes les infos concerts Lady Penelope

À quoi s'attendre pour Lady Penelope en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Lady Penelope lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Conclusions, Singsong, Wetleg, Dusk, Hotbox In The Classroom, Sad Receiver, When You're Scared You Think Everybodys Looking At You, Always Walking A Very Thin Line, The First Guitar Song, No I'm Not Having A Good Time, A Golden Cross On My Purple Choir Robe, Gravel, Crying Wolf, Night Angel, Train Wreck Of A Man, Goodnight Old Me, Larynx, Blind Dog, When The Water Hit The Shore, The Scythe, Alumini, Cut The Road Ahead, Amethyst.

Lady Penelope a interprété plus rarement Virginia Beach Is Where I Learned To By Myself Again, Meaningless Morning, Dice, Longleaf Mind, If Its You Calling I'll Have To Hang Up, Blondie, You Make Me Lose Sleep, Godforsaken, Blondie / Take It From Me, Take Me Home, Country Roads, Rockmill Brewery / Plateau, Take, Blinkpoint, You've Been Meaner, Over The Hill, Blondie / So Casual, Drunk People, Slip, Pillow Talk, Hot Pink Lamborghini 2016 Model, The Men, Ambassador, Keep That Candle, Winebottle, Kick Him To The Curb He Shouldn't Mean Anything To You.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Lady Penelope et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Lady Penelope à Ann Arbor United States

    1. A Golden Cross On My Purple Choir Robe
    2. Larynx
    3. Blondie / So Casual
    4. Drunk People
    5. Train Wreck Of A Man
    6. Night Angel
    7. Over The Hill
    8. When The Water Hit The Shore
    1. Amethyst
    2. Alumini
    3. The Scythe
    4. Cut The Road Ahead
    5. Blind Dog
    6. Gravel
    7. Crying Wolf
    8. Dusk
    9. Wetleg
    1. You've Been Meaner
    2. Take
    1. Blinkpoint
    2. Singsong
    3. Sad Receiver
    4. Slip
    5. Pillow Talk
    6. Winebottle
    7. Rockmill Brewery / Plateau
    8. No I'm Not Having A Good Time
    9. The First Guitar Song
    1. Always Walking A Very Thin Line
    2. Hotbox In The Classroom
    3. When You're Scared You Think Everybodys Looking At You
    4. Keep That Candle
    5. Ambassador
    6. Hot Pink Lamborghini 2016 Model
    7. The Men
    8. Kick Him To The Curb He Shouldn't Mean Anything To You
    1. Goodnight Old Me
    2. Conclusions

  • Setlist Lady Penelope à Washington United States

    1. A Golden Cross On My Purple Choir Robe
    2. Gravel
    3. Amethyst
    4. No I'm Not Having A Good Time
    5. When You're Scared You Think Everybodys Looking At You
    6. The Scythe
    7. Sad Receiver
    8. Train Wreck Of A Man
    9. When The Water Hit The Shore
    10. Rockmill Brewery
    11. Virginia Beach Is Where I Learned To By Myself Again
    12. Crying Wolf
    13. Meaningless Morning
    14. Alumini
    15. Always Walking A Very Thin Line
    16. Goodnight Old Me
    17. Night Angel
    18. Cut The Road Ahead
    19. Singsong
    20. Dusk
    21. Wetleg
    22. Diamond In The Rough
    23. Larynx
    24. Hotbox In The Classroom
    25. The First Guitar Song
    26. Conclusions
    27. Blind Dog
    1. Plateau
    2. Take Me Home, Country Roads
    3. Godforsaken

  • Setlist Lady Penelope à Indianapolis United States

    1. A Golden Cross On My Purple Choir Robe
    2. Gravel
    3. Amethyst
    4. No I'm Not Having A Good Time
    5. When You're Scared You Think Everybodys Looking At You
    6. The Scythe
    7. Sad Receiver
    8. Train Wreck Of A Man
    9. Alumini
    10. Night Angel
    11. Singsong
    12. Virginia Beach Is Where I Learned To Be Myself Again
    13. Rockmill Brewery
    14. Crying Wolf
    15. Always Walking A Very Thin Line
    16. Goodnight Old Me
    17. Hotbox In The Classroom
    18. Cut The Road Ahead
    19. Blondie / Take It From Me
    20. Dusk
    21. Wetleg
    22. Diamond In The Rough
    23. Larynx
    24. When The Water Hit The Shore
    25. Blind Dog
    26. The First Guitar Song
    27. Conclusions
    1. Plateau
    2. Dice
    3. You Make Me Lose Sleep

  • Setlist Lady Penelope à Jacksonville United States

    1. A Golden Cross On My Purple Choir Robe
    2. Gravel
    3. Amethyst
    4. No I'm Not Having A Good Time
    5. When You're Scared You Think Everybodys Looking At You
    6. The Scythe
    7. Train Wreck Of A Man
    8. Rockmill Brewery
    9. Sad Receiver
    10. Night Angel
    11. Always Walking A Very Thin Line
    12. Virginia Beach Is Where I Learned To Be Myself Again
    13. Crying Wolf
    14. Blind Dog
    15. Blondie
    16. Goodnight Old Me
    17. Singsong
    18. When The Water Hit The Shore
    19. Alumini
    20. Hotbox In The Classroom
    21. The First Guitar Song
    22. Diamond In The Rough
    23. Larynx
    24. Dusk
    25. Wetleg
    26. Conclusions
    27. Longleaf Mind
    1. Plateau
    2. Cut The Road Ahead
    3. If Its You Calling I'll Have To Hang Up

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