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Toutes les infos concerts James Grant

À quoi s'attendre pour James Grant en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par James Grant lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Does It All Add Up To Nothing, Last Ship On The River, Jocelyn Square, Strange Kind of Love, Winter, Halleluiah Man, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Looking for Angeline, Wanderlust, Sometimes I Want to Give Up, Shape of Things to Come, Whisky Dream, Little Gun, Inflammable, Walk the Last Mile, All My Sins Were For You, Lips Like Ether, My Father's Coat, Jacqueline's Shoes, State of Art.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par James Grant et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist James Grant à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. State of Art
    2. Inflammable
    3. Little Gun
    4. Whisky Dream
    5. Walk the Last Mile
    6. All My Sins Were For You
    7. Jacqueline's Shoes
    8. My Father's Coat
    9. Lips Like Ether
    1. Shape of Things to Come
    2. Sometimes I Want to Give Up
    3. Strange Kind of Love
    4. Jocelyn Square
    5. Last Ship On The River
    6. Does It All Add Up To Nothing
    7. Winter
    8. Halleluiah Man
    1. Wanderlust
    2. Looking for Angeline
    3. Will the Circle Be Unbroken

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