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Toutes les infos concerts Ilse DeLange

À quoi s'attendre pour Ilse DeLange en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Ilse DeLange lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Willing, Miracle, Confetti Shotgun, I'm Not So Tough, Changes, Next to Me, I'd Be Yours, Homesick, So Incredible, The Great Escape, Jolene, Flying Blind, Tainted, Calm After the Storm.

Ilse DeLange a interprété plus rarement Broken Girl, Stranger I Once Knew, Still Loving After You, Lovers & Liars, Love Goes On, Kathy's Song, Don't Keep Me Waiting, Gravel & Dust, Ease My Mind.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Ilse DeLange et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Hamburg Germany

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Amersfoort Netherlands

    1. Ease My Mind
    2. Stranger I Once Knew
    3. Flying Blind
    4. Calm After the Storm
    5. Kathy's Song
    6. Love Goes On
    7. Still Loving After You
    8. Lovers & Liars
    1. Gravel & Dust
    2. Tainted
    3. The Great Escape
    4. I'm Not So Tough
    5. Don't Keep Me Waiting
    6. Confetti Shotgun
    7. Jolene
    8. Miracle
    9. Willing
    10. Changes
    11. Next to Me
    12. So Incredible
    1. Homesick
    2. I'd Be Yours

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Amsterdam Netherlands

    1. I'm Not So Tough
    2. The Great Escape
    3. Willing
    4. World of Hurt
    5. Wasn't I Good To You
    6. Confetti Shotgun
    7. Homesick
    8. Calm After the Storm
    9. We Don't Make the Wind Blow
    10. Livin' on Love
    11. Tainted
    12. Have a Little Faith in Me
    13. Jolene
    14. Next to Me
    15. Changes
    16. Miracle
    17. So Incredible
    1. Stranger
    2. Flying Blind
    3. I'd Be Yours

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Utrecht Netherlands

    1. I'm Not So Tough
    2. The Great Escape
    3. Willing
    4. World of Hurt
    5. Wasn't I Good To You
    6. Confetti Shotgun
    7. Homesick
    8. Calm After the Storm
    9. We Don't Make the Wind Blow
    10. Livin' on Love
    11. Tainted
    12. Have a Little Faith in Me
    13. Jolene
    14. Next to Me
    15. Changes
    16. Miracle
    17. Broken Girl
    18. So Incredible
    1. Stranger
    2. Flying Blind
    3. I'd Be Yours

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Stuttgart Germany

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Munich Germany

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Berlin Germany

  • Setlist Ilse DeLange à Cologne Germany

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