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Toutes les infos concerts Hans Grants

À quoi s'attendre pour Hans Grants en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Hans Grants lors de leurs derniers concerts sont WBT.

Hans Grants a interprété plus rarement the mgm, Seek & Destroy, DFAU, special (vol. 1), OPEN ARMS, Too Late, Dreamlover, love language, special (vol. 2), american whore, naked, luv u 4 ever, SKINNY, fuck 2 forget, I HATE U, Forget Me, Satellite, SNOOZE, Nature Boy interlude, Kaleidoscope, You're Gonna Go Far, Hang tight honey, L'AMOUR DE MA VIE, strawberry wine, closure, announcing that this is a cover night, Heading South, Music For a Sushi Restaurant, orange juice, Revival, I Love You, I'm Sorry, GUY FOR THAT, fine line, BANG BANG, Everywhere, Everything, Paul Revere, abmb, Koth.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Hans Grants et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Hans Grants à Houston United States

    1. Koth
    2. announcing that this is a cover night
    3. Heading South
    4. Music For a Sushi Restaurant
    5. closure
    6. WBT
    7. strawberry wine
    8. You're Gonna Go Far
    9. Hang tight honey
    11. orange juice
    12. Revival
    13. Paul Revere
    14. abmb
    15. Everywhere, Everything
    16. BANG BANG
    17. I Love You, I'm Sorry
    18. GUY FOR THAT
    1. fine line
    2. Kaleidoscope

  • Setlist Hans Grants à Houston United States

    1. Forget Me
    2. Too Late
    3. Dreamlover
    4. love language
    5. OPEN ARMS
    6. the mgm
    7. Seek & Destroy
    8. DFAU
    9. special (vol. 1)
    10. special (vol. 2)
    11. Nature Boy interlude
    12. american whore
    13. Satellite
    14. SNOOZE
    15. I HATE U
    16. fuck 2 forget
    17. naked
    18. WBT
    1. luv u 4 ever
    2. SKINNY

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