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Toutes les infos concerts George Strait

À quoi s'attendre pour George Strait en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par George Strait lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Give It Away, Amarillo by Morning, The Chair, Every Little Honky Tonk Bar, Love's Gonna Make It Alright, I Saw God Today, I'll Always Remember You, Troubadour, Take Me to Texas, The Cowboy Rides Away, Folsom Prison Blues, All My Ex's Live in Texas, Unwound, Codigo, You Don’t Know What You’re Missing, Pancho & Lefty, Here for a Good Time, I Can Still Make Cheyenne, Run, How 'Bout Them Cowgirls, I Got a Car, The Fireman, Check Yes or No, It Just Comes Natural, When the Credits Roll, Misery and Gin, Nobody in His Right Mind Would've Left Her, Ocean Front Property, Waymore's Blues, The Weight of the Badge, Stars on the Water.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par George Strait et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist George Strait à Seattle United States

    1. Stars on the Water
    2. I Got a Car
    3. The Fireman
    4. How 'Bout Them Cowgirls
    5. Run
    6. Here for a Good Time
    7. I Can Still Make Cheyenne
    8. Check Yes or No
    9. It Just Comes Natural
    10. Waymore's Blues
    11. The Weight of the Badge
    12. Ocean Front Property
    13. Nobody in His Right Mind Would've Left Her
    14. When the Credits Roll
    15. Misery and Gin
    16. Pancho & Lefty
    17. You Don’t Know What You’re Missing
    18. Love's Gonna Make It Alright
    19. I Saw God Today
    20. Every Little Honky Tonk Bar
    21. The Chair
    22. Give It Away
    23. Amarillo by Morning
    24. I'll Always Remember You
    25. Troubadour
    26. Unwound
    1. Codigo
    2. All My Ex's Live in Texas
    3. Folsom Prison Blues
    4. Take Me to Texas
    5. The Cowboy Rides Away

  • Setlist George Strait à Los Angeles United States

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