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Toutes les infos concerts Ezra Furman

À quoi s'attendre pour Ezra Furman en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Ezra Furman lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Train Comes Through, Point Me Toward the Real, My Zero, Suck the Blood From My Wound, Lilac and Black, What Can You Do but Rock 'n' Roll, I Saw the Truth Undressing, Love You So Bad, Calm Down aka I Should Not Be Alone, Throne, Transition From Nowhere to Nowhere, Evening Prayer aka Justice.

Ezra Furman a interprété plus rarement Gloria, Forever in Sunset, Dressed in Black, , Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club, Body Was Made, Tell 'em All to Go to Hell.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Ezra Furman et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Ezra Furman à Cardiff United Kingdom

  • Setlist Ezra Furman à Cambridge United Kingdom

    1. Train Comes Through
    2. Throne
    3. Evening Prayer aka Justice
    4. Calm Down aka I Should Not Be Alone
    5. Dressed in Black
    6. Haunted Head
    7. Transition From Nowhere to Nowhere
    8. Driving Down to L.A.
    9. I Saw the Truth Undressing
    10. Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club
    11. Point Me Toward the Real
    12. Body Was Made
    13. Love You So Bad
    14. My Zero
    15. Forever in Sunset
    16. Suck the Blood From My Wound
    17. What Can You Do but Rock 'n' Roll
    1. Lilac and Black
    2. Gloria
    3. Tell 'em All to Go to Hell

  • Setlist Ezra Furman à Los Angeles United States

  • Setlist Ezra Furman à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. Train Comes Through
    2. Evening Prayer aka Justice
    3. Maraschino-Red Dress $8.99 at Goodwill
    4. Trauma
    5. Point Me Toward the Real
    6. Transition From Nowhere to Nowhere
    7. Throne
    8. Dressed In Black
    9. Poor Girl a Long Way From Heaven
    10. I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend
    11. Haunted Head
    12. I Saw the Truth Undressing
    13. Forever In Sunset
    14. My Zero
    15. Love You So Bad
    16. Calm Down aka I Should Not Be Alone
    17. What Can You Do but Rock 'n' Roll
    1. Lilac and Black
    2. Suck the Blood From My Wound
    3. Because the Night

  • Setlist Ezra Furman à Vienna Austria

    1. Train Comes Through
    2. Throne
    3. Evening Prayer aka Justice
    4. Maraschino-Red Dress $8.99 at Goodwill
    5. Trauma
    6. Point Me Toward the Real
    7. Transition From Nowhere to Nowhere
    8. Poor Girl a Long Way From Heaven
    9. I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend
    10. I Saw the Truth Undressing
    11. Dressed In Black
    12. Driving Down to L.A.
    13. Forever In Sunset
    14. My Zero
    15. Love You So Bad
    16. Calm Down aka I Should Not Be Alone
    17. What Can You Do but Rock 'n' Roll
    1. Lilac and Black
    2. Suck the Blood From My Wound
    3. Because the Night

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