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Toutes les infos concerts David Bromberg Band

À quoi s'attendre pour David Bromberg Band en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par David Bromberg Band lors de leurs derniers concerts sont David Bromberg.

David Bromberg Band a interprété plus rarement East Virginia Blues, As the Years Go Passing By, Maiden's Prayer / Blackberry Blossom / Katy Hill, If You's a Viper, Why Are People Like That?, Tennessee Waltz, Tomorrow Is a Long Time, I'll Take You Back, Eyesight to the Blind, Nobody's, I'll Keep Movin' On, Big Road Blues.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par David Bromberg Band et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist David Bromberg Band à Northampton United States

  • Setlist David Bromberg Band à New York United States

    1. Big Road Blues
    2. I'll Take You Back
    3. Tomorrow Is a Long Time
    4. Eyesight to the Blind
    5. Nobody's
    6. I'll Keep Movin' On
    7. Tennessee Waltz
    8. If You's a Viper
    9. East Virginia Blues
    10. As the Years Go Passing By
    11. Why Are People Like That?
    12. Maiden's Prayer / Blackberry Blossom / Katy Hill
    1. David Bromberg
    1. David Bromberg

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