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Toutes les infos concerts Cold Chisel

À quoi s'attendre pour Cold Chisel en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Cold Chisel lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Bow River, Khe Sanh, Flame Trees, Standing on the Outside, Saturday Night, Breakfast at Sweethearts, Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye), When the War Is Over, Shipping Steel, You Got Nothing I Want, Merry-Go-Round, Rising Sun, Cheap Wine, Letter to Alan, All for You, My Baby, Forever Now, Four Walls.

Cold Chisel a interprété plus rarement Choir Girl, One Long Day.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Cold Chisel et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Cold Chisel à Canberra Australia

    1. Standing on the Outside
    2. Letter to Alan
    3. Cheap Wine
    4. Rising Sun
    5. My Baby
    6. All for You
    7. HQ454 Monroe
    8. One Long Day
    9. Choirgirl
    10. Forever Now
    11. Four Walls
    12. Houndog
    13. Georgia (on My Mind)
    14. You Got Nothing I Want
    15. Merry-Go-Round
    16. Flame Trees
    17. Khe Sanh
    18. Bow River
    1. Saturday Night
    2. Breakfast at Sweethearts
    3. Shipping Steel
    1. Taipan
    2. When the War Is Over
    3. Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)

  • Setlist Cold Chisel à Sydney Australia

    1. Standing on the Outside
    2. Letter to Alan
    3. Cheap Wine
    4. Rising Sun
    5. My Baby
    6. All for You
    7. Painted Doll
    8. Choirgirl
    9. Forever Now
    10. Four Walls
    11. Mr Crown Prosecutor
    12. Wild Colonial Boy
    13. Plaza
    14. You Got Nothing I Want
    15. Merry-Go-Round
    16. Flame Trees
    17. Khe Sanh
    18. Bow River
    1. Saturday Night
    2. Breakfast at Sweethearts
    3. Shipping Steel
    1. When the War Is Over
    2. Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)

  • Setlist Cold Chisel à Brisbane Australia

    1. Mr Crown Prosecutor
    2. Standing on the Outside
    3. Cheap Wine
    4. Rising Sun
    5. My Baby
    6. Painted Doll
    7. When the War Is Over
    8. Forever Now
    9. Saturday Night
    10. Four Walls
    11. Wild Colonial Boy
    12. Plaza
    13. Shipping Steel
    14. You Got Nothing I Want
    15. Merry-Go-Round
    16. Flame Trees
    17. Khe Sanh
    18. Bow River
    1. All for You
    2. Choir Girl
    3. Taipan
    4. Letter to Alan
    1. Breakfast at Sweethearts
    2. Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)

  • Setlist Cold Chisel à Perth Australia

    1. Wild Colonial Boy
    2. Standing on the Outside
    3. Rising Sun
    4. My Baby
    5. HQ454 Monroe
    6. Choirgirl
    7. All for You
    8. Cheap Wine
    9. Saturday Night
    10. Houndog
    11. Georgia (on My Mind)
    12. Shipping Steel
    13. You Got Nothing I Want
    14. Merry-Go-Round
    15. Flame Trees
    16. Khe Sanh
    17. Bow River
    1. When the War Is Over
    2. Forever Now
    3. Taipan
    4. Painted Doll
    1. Four Walls
    2. Breakfast at Sweethearts
    3. Letter to Alan
    4. Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)

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