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Toutes les infos concerts Bernard Butler

À quoi s'attendre pour Bernard Butler en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Bernard Butler lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Camber Sands, Autograph, My Domain, 20 Years A-Growing, Not Alone, Clean, Shallow the Water, Stay, People Move On.

Bernard Butler a interprété plus rarement Preaching to the Choir, Why don't we start it again, Deep Emotions, The 90's, Pretty D, There's Always Something, New song.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Bernard Butler et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Bernard Butler à London United Kingdom

    1. My Domain
    2. Deep Emotions
    3. People Move On
    4. Stay
    5. Living the Dream
    6. There's Always Something
    7. Clean
    1. Autograph
    2. The 90's
    3. Camber Sands
    4. Shallow the Water
    5. 20 Years A-Growing
    6. Pretty D
    7. Not Alone

  • Setlist Bernard Butler à London United Kingdom

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  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Chesterfield United Kingdom

  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Amsterdam Netherlands

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  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Nottingham United Kingdom

  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Brighton United Kingdom

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  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Leeds United Kingdom

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  • Setlist Bernard Butler à Farsley United Kingdom

    1. Deep Emotion
    2. Souvenir
    3. My Domain
    4. People Move On
    5. Stay
    6. New song
    7. Clean
    1. Camber Sands
    2. Autograph
    3. Although
    4. Yes
    5. Shallow the Water
    6. 20 Years A-Growing
    7. Not Alone

  • Setlist Bernard Butler à London United Kingdom

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  • Setlist Bernard Butler à London United Kingdom

    1. Souvenir
    2. My Domain
    3. Deep Emotion
    4. Preaching to the Choir
    5. People Move On
    6. Stay
    7. Living the Dream
    8. Clean
    1. Autograph
    2. Camber Sands
    3. Although
    4. Yes
    5. Shallow the Water
    6. 20 Years A-Growing
    7. Why don't we start it again
    8. Not Alone

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