Les titres les plus interprétés par Admiral Freebee lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Wonder of Life, Bad Year For Rock'n Roll (Part 2), Breaking Away, Get Out of Town, Oh Darkness, Coming of the Knight, Ever Present, Rags 'n' Run, Always on the Run (the tennis elbow version), Coming of the Light, No Ordinary Moments, Nothing Else to Do, No One Can Stop Me Now, Digital Blues, Einstein Brain, Not in It 4 Love, Last Song About You, Murder of the Sun.
Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Admiral Freebee et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026
Setlist Admiral Freebee à Sint-Niklaas Belgium
Setlist Admiral Freebee à Denderhoutem Belgium
Setlist Admiral Freebee à Antwerp Belgium
Setlist Admiral Freebee à Tielt Belgium
Setlist Admiral Freebee à Sint-Niklaas Belgium
- Murder of the Sun
- No One Can Stop Me Now
- Nothing Else to Do
- No Ordinary Moments
- Digital Blues
- Einstein Brain
- Last Song About You
- Not in It 4 Love
- Coming of the Light
- Always on the Run (the tennis elbow version)
- Breaking Away
- Bad Year For Rock'n Roll (Part 2)
- The Wonder of Life
- Get Out of Town
- Oh Darkness
- Rags 'n' Run
- Ever Present
- Coming of the Knight