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Le 02 avril 2020 à 00h22

Carrot the Cat Is the Perfect Social Distancing Buddy, Who's Also BFFs with Ellen DeGeneres

22h15 - See This Neighborhood Partake in a Social Distancing Dance Party PeopleNow pic.twitter.com/vW7rnlls2c

22h03 - This Dog at a Maryland Winery Will Deliver Wine to Your Car to Promote Social Distancing http://peoplem.ag/ty40cK7 

21h48 - Carrot the Cat Is the Perfect Social Distancing Buddy, Who's Also BFFs with Ellen DeGeneres http://peoplem.ag/0eOP7lN 

21h39 - Here's a Breakdown of What You Should and Should Not Be Doing While Social Distancing http://peoplem.ag/xUsUMI2 

