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Toutes les infos concerts SZA

À quoi s'attendre pour SZA en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par SZA lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Seek & Destroy, Gone Girl, Doves in the Wind, Drew Barrymore, F2F, SOS, Kiss Me More, I Hate U, The Weekend, Kill Bill, Snooze, Love Language, Garden (Say It Like Dat), Low, Forgiveless, Used, Broken Clocks, Love Galore, Notice Me, Blind, Bag Lady, Smoking on My Ex Pack, Prom, Shirt, All the Stars.

SZA a interprété plus rarement Supermodel / Special / Nobody Gets Me, SkeeYee, Pound Town, 20 Something.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par SZA et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist SZA à Brisbane Australia

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  • Setlist SZA à Auckland New Zealand

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  • Setlist SZA à São Paulo Brazil

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  • Setlist SZA à Los Angeles United States

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  • Setlist SZA à Los Angeles United States

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  • Setlist SZA à New York United States

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  • Setlist SZA à San Antonio United States

    1. Seek & Destroy
    2. Notice Me
    3. Love Galore
    4. Broken Clocks
    1. Forgiveless
    2. Used
    3. Bag Lady
    4. Ghost in the Machine
    5. Blind
    6. Shirt
    1. Too Late
    2. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    3. All the Stars
    4. Prom
    5. Normal Girl
    6. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    7. F2F
    8. Drew Barrymore
    9. Doves in the Wind
    10. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel / Special
    3. Nobody Gets Me
    4. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Rich Baby Daddy
    3. Kiss Me More
    4. Love Language
    5. Snooze
    6. Kill Bill
    7. I Hate U
    8. The Weekend
    9. Good Days

  • Setlist SZA à St. Louis United States

    1. Seek & Destroy
    2. Notice Me
    3. Love Galore
    4. Broken Clocks
    1. Forgiveless
    2. Used
    3. Bag Lady
    4. Ghost in the Machine
    5. Blind
    6. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Normal Girl
    5. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    6. F2F
    7. Drew Barrymore
    8. Doves in the Wind
    9. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel
    3. Special
    4. Nobody Gets Me
    5. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Pound Town
    3. SkeeYee
    4. Rich Baby Daddy
    5. Kiss Me More
    6. Love Language
    7. Snooze
    8. Kill Bill
    9. I Hate U
    10. The Weekend
    1. Good Days
    2. 20 Something

  • Setlist SZA à Newark United States

  • Setlist SZA à Boston United States

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  • Setlist SZA à Paris France

  • Setlist SZA à Seattle United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Ghost in the Machine
    10. Blind
    11. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    5. F2F
    6. Drew Barrymore
    7. Doves in the Wind
    8. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel / Special
    3. Nobody Gets Me
    4. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Kiss Me More
    3. Love Language
    4. Snooze
    1. Kill Bill
    2. I Hate U
    3. The Weekend

  • Setlist SZA à San Diego United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Blind
    10. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    5. F2F
    6. Drew Barrymore
    7. Doves in the Wind
    8. Low
    1. Supermodel / Special
    2. Nobody Gets Me
    3. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Kiss Me More
    3. Love Language
    4. Snooze
    5. Kill Bill
    6. I Hate U
    7. The Weekend

  • Setlist SZA à Austin United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Blind
    10. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    5. F2F
    6. Drew Barrymore
    7. Doves in the Wind
    8. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel / Special
    3. Nobody Gets Me
    4. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Kiss Me More
    3. Love Language
    4. Snooze
    5. Kill Bill
    6. I Hate U
    7. The Weekend

  • Setlist SZA à Boston United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Blind
    10. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    5. F2F
    6. Drew Barrymore
    7. Doves in the Wind
    8. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel
    3. Special
    4. Nobody Gets Me
    5. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Kiss Me More
    3. Love Language
    4. Snooze
    5. Kill Bill
    6. I Hate U
    7. The Weekend

  • Setlist SZA à Washington United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Blind
    10. Shirt
    1. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    2. All the Stars
    3. Prom
    4. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    5. F2F
    6. Drew Barrymore
    7. Doves in the Wind
    8. Low
    1. Open Arms
    2. Supermodel
    3. Special
    4. Nobody Gets Me
    5. Gone Girl
    1. SOS
    2. Kiss Me More
    3. Love Language
    4. Snooze
    5. Kill Bill
    6. I Hate U
    7. The Weekend

  • Setlist SZA à Chicago United States

    1. PSA
    2. Seek & Destroy
    3. Notice Me
    4. Love Galore
    5. Broken Clocks
    6. Forgiveless
    7. Used
    8. Bag Lady
    9. Blind
    10. Shirt
    11. Too Late
    12. Smoking on My Ex Pack
    13. All the Stars
    14. Prom
    15. Garden (Say It Like Dat)
    16. F2F
    17. Drew Barrymore
    18. Doves in the Wind
    19. Low
    20. Supermodel / Special / Nobody Gets Me
    21. Gone Girl
    22. SOS
    23. Kiss Me More
    24. Love Language
    25. Snooze
    26. Kill Bill
    27. I Hate U
    28. The Weekend

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