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Toutes les infos concerts Orbital

À quoi s'attendre pour Orbital en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Orbital lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Where Is It Going?.

Orbital a interprété plus rarement Halcyon - Spicy, Out There Somewhere ?, The New Abnormal, There Will Come a Time (We Will Die Mix), Hoo Hoo Ha Ha, Are You Alive?, Lush, Requiem for the Pre‐Apocalypse, IDM Medley (inc. songs such as 'LFO' and 'Spice (Mix With Notes)' by Eon, Satan / Beelzedub, Walk Now, Ringa Ringa (The Old Pandemic Folk Song), Home, You Are the Frequency, Nothing Left 2.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Orbital et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Orbital à Bristol United Kingdom

    1. The Moebius
    2. Speed Freak
    3. Macro Head
    4. Oolaa
    5. Desert Storm
    6. Fahrenheit 303
    7. Steel Cube Idolatry
    8. High Rise
    9. Torpedo Town (PKA Untitled)
    10. Chime
    11. Midnight
    12. Belfast
    1. I Think It’s Disgusting
    2. IDM Medley (inc. songs such as 'LFO' and 'Spice (Mix With Notes)' by Eon
    1. Time Becomes
    2. Planet of the Shapes
    3. Lush 3-1
    4. Lush 3-2
    5. Impact (The Earth Is Burning)
    6. Remind
    7. Walk Now...
    8. Monday
    9. Halcyon + On + On
    10. Input Out
    1. Spicy
    2. Dirty Rat
    3. Satan / Beelzedub
    4. Where Is It Going?

  • Setlist Orbital à Nottingham United Kingdom

    1. The Moebius
    2. Speed Freak
    3. Macro Head
    4. Oolaa
    5. Desert Storm
    6. Fahrenheit 303
    7. Steel Cube Idolatry
    8. High Rise
    9. Torpedo Town (PKA Untitled)
    10. Chime
    11. Midnight
    12. Belfast
    1. Time Becomes
    2. Planet of the Shapes
    3. Lush 3-1
    4. Lush 3-2
    5. Impact (The Earth Is Burning)
    6. Remind
    7. Walk Now...
    8. Monday
    9. Halcyon + On + On
    10. Input Out
    1. Spicy
    2. Dirty Rat
    3. Satan
    4. Where Is It Going?

  • Setlist Orbital à London United Kingdom

    1. The Moebius
    2. Speed Freak
    3. Macro Head
    4. Oolaa
    5. Desert Storm
    6. Fahrenheit 303
    7. Steel Cube Idolatry
    8. High Rise
    9. Torpedo Town (PKA Untitled)
    10. Chime
    11. Midnight
    12. Belfast
    13. I Think It’s Disgusting
    1. Time Becomes
    2. Planet of the Shapes
    3. Lush 3-1
    4. Lush 3-2
    5. Impact (The Earth Is Burning)
    6. Remind
    7. Walk Now
    8. Monday
    9. Halcyon + On + On
    10. Input Out
    1. Spicy
    2. Dirty Rat
    3. Satan
    4. Where Is It Going?

  • Setlist Orbital à Brighton United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Orbital à Newcastle United Kingdom

  • Setlist Orbital à Belfast United Kingdom

    1. Smiley
    2. Ringa Ringa (The Old Pandemic Folk Song)
    3. Where Is It Going?
    4. Dirty Rat
    5. Satan
    6. Requiem for the Pre‐Apocalypse
    7. You Are the Frequency
    8. Home
    9. Nothing Left 2
    10. Are You Alive?
    11. Halcyon - Spicy
    12. The New Abnormal
    13. Belfast
    14. Chime
    15. Impact (The Earth Is Burning)
    1. Out There Somewhere ?
    2. Lush

  • Setlist Orbital à Barcelona Spain

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Orbital à San Diego United States

    1. Smiley
    2. There Will Come a Time (We Will Die Mix)
    3. Satan
    4. Hoo Hoo Ha Ha
    5. Halcyon + On + On
    6. Spicy
    7. Where Is It Going?

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