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Toutes les infos concerts Nickelback

À quoi s'attendre pour Nickelback en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Nickelback lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Rockstar, San Quentin, Those Days, How You Remind Me, Burn It to the Ground, Gotta Be Somebody, Copperhead Road, Photograph, Animals, Hero, Savin' Me, Someday, Far Away, Worthy to Say, Figured You Out.

Nickelback a interprété plus rarement Walk, Good Vibrations.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Nickelback et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Nickelback à Charlotte United States

    1. San Quentin
    2. Savin' Me
    3. Far Away
    4. Animals
    5. Someday
    6. Worthy to Say
    7. Figured You Out
    8. Hero
    9. Copperhead Road
    10. This Afternoon
    11. Photograph
    12. Rockstar
    13. Those Days
    14. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground

  • Setlist Nickelback à Camden United States

    1. San Quentin
    2. Savin' Me
    3. Far Away
    4. Animals
    5. Someday
    6. Worthy to Say
    7. Figured You Out
    8. Hero
    9. Copperhead Road
    10. This Afternoon
    11. Photograph
    12. Rockstar
    13. Those Days
    14. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground

  • Setlist Nickelback à St. Paul United States

    1. Walk
    2. San Quentin
    3. Savin' Me
    4. Far Away
    5. Animals
    6. Someday
    7. Worthy to Say
    8. Figured You Out
    9. Hero
    10. Copperhead Road
    11. High Time
    12. Photograph
    13. Rockstar
    14. Those Days
    15. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground
    3. Good Vibrations

  • Setlist Nickelback à Rogers United States

    1. San Quentin
    2. Savin' Me
    3. Far Away
    4. Animals
    5. Someday
    6. Worthy to Say
    7. Figured You Out
    8. Hero
    9. Copperhead Road
    10. High Time
    11. Photograph
    12. Rockstar
    13. Too Bad
    14. Those Days
    15. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground

  • Setlist Nickelback à Ridgefield United States

    1. San Quentin
    2. Savin' Me
    3. Far Away
    4. Animals
    5. Someday
    6. Worthy to Say
    7. Figured You Out
    8. Hero
    9. Copperhead Road
    10. High Time
    11. Photograph
    12. Rockstar
    13. Too Bad
    14. Those Days
    15. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground

  • Setlist Nickelback à Calgary Canada

    1. San Quentin
    2. Savin' Me
    3. Far Away
    4. Animals
    5. Someday
    6. Worthy to Say
    7. Figured You Out
    8. Hero
    9. Copperhead Road
    10. High Time
    11. Photograph
    12. Rockstar
    13. Too Bad
    14. Those Days
    15. How You Remind Me
    1. Gotta Be Somebody
    2. Burn It to the Ground

  • Setlist Nickelback à Toronto Canada

    Aucune information pour le moment

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