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Toutes les infos concerts Motorpsycho

À quoi s'attendre pour Motorpsycho en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Motorpsycho lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Patterns, Sentinels, Hotel Daedalus.

Motorpsycho a interprété plus rarement Bonny Lee, Spin, Spin, Spin, Sinful, Wind-Borne, On a Plate, My Best Friend, Year Zero (A Damage Report), The Ladder, Greener, Mona Liza/Azrael, The Cuckoo, Taifun, The Waning Pt.1 & 2, The Nerve Tattoo, At Empire's End, Can't Find My Way Home, Mad Sun, Cloudwalker (A Darker Blue), Psychotzar, Pills, Powders + Passion Plays, Inside Looking Out, Bartok of the Universe, The Bomb-Proof Roll and Beyond (for Arnie Hassle), Plan #1, Lacuna/Sunrise, Kill Some Day, Cold & Bored, Babylon.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Motorpsycho et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Vienna Austria

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Geneva Switzerland

    1. Real Again (Norway Shrugs and Stays At Home)
    2. Pills, Powders + Passion Plays
    3. Patterns
    4. Now It's Time to Skate
    5. Feel
    1. Chariot of the Sun – To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie)
    2. Sentinels
    3. The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker
    4. Cloudwalker (A Darker Blue)
    5. The Tower
    6. Lacuna/Sunrise
    7. Upstairs-Downstairs
    8. The Promise
    9. Psychotzar
    10. Plan #1

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Zwolle Netherlands

    1. Now It's Time to Skate
    2. Patterns
    3. Can't Find My Way Home
    4. Lady May
    5. Feel
    1. Sentinels
    2. On My Pillow
    3. Serpentine
    4. The Alchemyst
    5. On a Plate
    6. Hotel Daedalus
    7. At Empire's End
    8. The Bomb-Proof Roll and Beyond (for Arnie Hassle)
    9. The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker
    10. Gullible's Travails
    1. Bartok of the Universe
    2. The Promise
    3. Inside Looking Out

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Uppsala Sweden

    1. Real Again (Norway Shrugs and Stays At Home)
    2. Mad Sun
    3. The Maypole
    4. Dank State
    5. Feel
    1. Chariot of the Sun – To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie)
    2. Sentinels
    3. Serpentine
    4. The Promise
    5. The Tower
    6. The United Debased
    7. The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker
    1. Hotel Daedalus
    2. Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in My Mind
    3. The Pilgrim
    4. Rock Bottom

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Ålesund Norway

    1. Real Again (Norway Shrugs and Stays At Home)
    2. Sideway Spiral III
    3. Lady May
    4. Sunchild
    1. On My Pillow
    2. W.C.A.
    3. The Magpie
    4. Hotel Daedalus
    5. Black as Night
    6. Go to California
    7. Cold & Bored
    8. Kill Some Day
    9. Upstairs-Downstairs
    10. Like Chrome
    11. Patterns
    12. Dank State
    13. Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in My Mind
    14. The Pilgrim
    15. 577
    1. The United Debased
    2. Rock Bottom
    3. Mountain

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Stavanger Norway

    1. Real Again (Norway Shrugs and Stays At Home)
    2. On My Pillow
    3. The Maypole
    4. Babylon
    5. Sideway Spiral III
    1. Chariot of the Sun – To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie)
    2. Patterns
    3. W.C.A.
    4. Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in My Mind
    5. The Pilgrim
    6. Dank State
    7. Hotel Daedalus
    8. Lady May
    9. 577
    10. Sentinels
    11. Go to California
    12. Mountain
    13. Like Chrome
    14. Taifun
    1. A.S.F.E.
    2. Be Good and Be Kind

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Kongsberg Norway

    1. Sentinels
    2. Sideway Spiral III
    3. The Maypole
    4. Sunchild
    1. On My Pillow
    2. W.C.A.
    3. Sinful, Wind-Borne
    4. My Best Friend
    5. Spin, Spin, Spin
    6. Patterns
    7. The Magpie
    8. Hotel Daedalus
    9. The United Debased
    10. Bonny Lee
    11. 577
    12. The Nerve Tattoo
    13. Dank State
    14. Be Good and Be Kind
    1. A.S.F.E.
    2. Black as Night

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Madras India

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Motorpsycho à Bø Norway

    1. Chariot of the Sun – To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise (Theme From an Imagined Movie)
    2. Year Zero (A Damage Report)
    3. The Waning Pt.1 & 2
    4. Überwagner or a Billion Bubbles in My Mind
    5. The Cuckoo
    6. The Transmutation of Cosmoctopus Lurker
    7. Gullible's Travails
    8. Like Chrome
    9. The Alchemyst
    10. Mona Liza/Azrael
    1. The Ladder
    2. Greener
    3. Rock Bottom

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