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Toutes les infos concerts Megadeth

À quoi s'attendre pour Megadeth en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Megadeth lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Peace Sells, Trust, Angry Again, Symphony of Destruction, Sweating Bullets, Hangar 18.

Megadeth a interprété plus rarement Countdown to Extinction, Dawn Patrol, Poison Was the Cure, Hook in Mouth, The Conjuring.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Megadeth et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Megadeth à Bogota Colombia

    1. The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead!
    2. Skin o' My Teeth
    3. Hangar 18
    4. Sweating Bullets
    5. She-Wolf
    6. Angry Again
    7. Dystopia
    8. This Was My Life
    9. Trust
    10. Tornado of Souls
    11. A tout le monde
    12. We'll Be Back
    13. Symphony of Destruction
    14. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. My Way
    4. Shadow of Deth

  • Setlist Megadeth à Buenos Aires Argentina

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à Santiago Chile

    1. The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead!
    2. Skin o' My Teeth
    3. Dystopia
    4. Hangar 18
    5. Sweating Bullets
    6. This Was My Life
    7. Angry Again
    8. She-Wolf
    9. Trust
    10. A tout le monde
    11. Tornado of Souls
    12. Symphony of Destruction
    13. We'll Be Back
    1. Peace Sells
    2. Mechanix

  • Setlist Megadeth à Pocatello United States

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Mechanix
    4. Dawn Patrol
    5. Poison Was the Cure
    6. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    7. Angry Again
    8. Hook in Mouth
    9. Sweating Bullets
    10. Soldier On!
    11. Dystopia
    12. Trust
    13. We'll Be Back
    14. Symphony of Destruction
    15. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. Shadow of Deth

  • Setlist Megadeth à Windsor Canada

    1. Hangar 18
    2. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    3. Angry Again
    4. Wake Up Dead
    5. Sweating Bullets
    6. Dystopia
    7. A tout le monde
    8. Trust
    9. Tornado of Souls
    10. Symphony of Destruction
    11. We'll Be Back
    12. Peace Sells

  • Setlist Megadeth à Skanderborg Denmark

    1. Hangar 18
    2. Wake Up Dead
    3. In My Darkest Hour
    4. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    5. Angry Again
    6. We'll Be Back
    7. Sweating Bullets
    8. A tout le monde
    9. Trust
    10. Symphony of Destruction
    11. Mechanix
    12. Peace Sells

  • Setlist Megadeth à Stockholm Sweden

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Wake Up Dead
    4. In My Darkest Hour
    5. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    6. Angry Again
    7. We'll Be Back
    8. Sweating Bullets
    9. A tout le monde
    10. Trust
    11. Dystopia
    12. Tornado of Souls
    13. Symphony of Destruction
    14. Mechanix
    15. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. Shadow of Deth

  • Setlist Megadeth à Katowice Poland

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Wake Up Dead
    4. In My Darkest Hour
    5. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    6. Angry Again
    7. Sweating Bullets
    8. Conquer or Die!
    9. Dystopia
    10. Trust
    11. Tornado of Souls
    12. A tout le monde
    13. We'll Be Back
    14. Symphony of Destruction
    15. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. My Way
    4. Shadow of Deth

  • Setlist Megadeth à Halifax Canada

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    4. Angry Again
    5. We'll Be Back
    6. Wake Up Dead
    7. The Conjuring
    8. Sweating Bullets
    9. Trust
    10. A tout le monde
    11. Tornado of Souls
    12. Symphony of Destruction
    13. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn

  • Setlist Megadeth à Hamilton Canada

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à Calgary Canada

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à Melbourne Australia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à Melbourne Australia

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    4. The Threat Is Real
    5. Angry Again
    6. Sweating Bullets
    7. She-Wolf
    8. Conquer or Die!
    9. Dystopia
    10. Tornado of Souls
    11. Trust
    12. We'll Be Back
    13. Symphony of Destruction
    14. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. Shadow of Deth

  • Setlist Megadeth à Adelaide Australia

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    4. The Threat Is Real
    5. Angry Again
    6. Sweating Bullets
    7. A tout le monde
    8. She-Wolf
    9. Trust
    10. Soldier On!
    11. Tornado of Souls
    12. Dystopia
    13. We'll Be Back
    14. Symphony of Destruction
    15. Peace Sells

  • Setlist Megadeth à Tokyo Japan

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    4. The Threat Is Real
    5. Angry Again
    6. Soldier On!
    7. Sweating Bullets
    8. Trust
    9. Conquer or Die!
    10. Dystopia
    11. A tout le monde
    12. Countdown to Extinction
    13. Tornado of Souls
    14. Symphony of Destruction
    15. We'll Be Back
    16. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn

  • Setlist Megadeth à Toluca Mexico

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à West Valley City United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Megadeth à Rogers United States

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  • Setlist Megadeth à Alpharetta United States

    1. Hangar 18
    2. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    3. Angry Again
    4. Soldier On!
    5. Sweating Bullets
    6. Trust
    7. We’ll Be Back
    8. Symphony of Destruction
    9. Peace Sells

  • Setlist Megadeth à Tinley Park United States

    1. Prince of Darkness
    2. Hangar 18
    3. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
    4. Soldier On!
    5. Angry Again
    6. Sweating Bullets
    7. Trust
    8. Symphony of Destruction
    9. We’ll Be Back
    10. Peace Sells
    1. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
    2. Silent Scorn
    3. Shadow of Deth

Autres setlists :