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Toutes les infos concerts Lacuna Coil

À quoi s'attendre pour Lacuna Coil en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Lacuna Coil lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Blood, Tears, Dust, My Demons, Now or Never, Veneficium, Tight Rope XX, Nothing Stands in Our Way, Swamped XX, Entwined XX, Daylight Dancer XX, Apocalypse, Our Truth, Layers of Time, Reckless, Heaven’s a Lie XX.

Lacuna Coil a interprété plus rarement Never Dawn, Black Anima.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Lacuna Coil et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Wichita United States

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Fort Smith United States

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Daytona Beach United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Atlanta United States

    1. Blood, Tears, Dust
    2. Reckless
    3. Trip the Darkness
    4. Apocalypse
    5. Layers of Time
    6. Heaven’s a Lie XX
    7. Black Anima
    8. Our Truth
    9. Entwined XX
    10. Now or Never
    11. My Demons
    12. Daylight Dancer XX
    13. Veneficium
    14. Never Dawn
    1. Tight Rope XX
    2. Swamped XX
    3. Nothing Stands in Our Way

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Salt Lake City United States

    1. Blood, Tears, Dust
    2. Reckless
    3. Trip the Darkness
    4. Apocalypse
    5. Layers of Time
    6. Heaven’s a Lie XX
    7. Sword of Anger
    8. Entwined XX
    9. Our Truth
    10. Now or Never
    11. My Demons
    12. Daylight Dancer XX
    13. Veneficium
    1. Aeon XX
    2. Tight Rope XX
    3. Swamped XX
    4. Nothing Stands in Our Way

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Tokyo Japan

    1. Blood, Tears, Dust
    2. Reckless
    3. Layers of Time
    4. Our Truth
    5. Daylight Dancer XX
    6. Apocalypse
    7. Sword of Anger
    8. Entwined XX
    9. Kill the Light
    10. The Ghost Woman and the Hunter XX
    11. Heaven’s a Lie XX
    12. Now or Never
    13. My Demons
    14. Delirium
    15. Comalies XX
    16. Veneficium
    17. Enjoy the Silence
    1. Aeon XX
    2. Tight Rope XX
    3. Swamped XX
    4. Nothing Stands in Our Way

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Taguig Philippines

    1. Blood, Tears, Dust
    2. Reckless
    3. Layers of Time
    4. Our Truth
    5. Daylight Dancer XX
    6. Apocalypse
    7. Sword of Anger
    8. Entwined XX
    9. Kill the Light
    10. The Ghost Woman and the Hunter XX
    11. Heaven’s a Lie XX
    12. Now or Never
    13. My Demons
    14. Delirium
    15. Comalies XX
    16. Veneficium
    17. Enjoy the Silence
    1. Aeon XX
    2. Tight Rope XX
    3. Swamped XX
    4. Nothing Stands in Our Way

  • Setlist Lacuna Coil à Milan Italy

    Aucune information pour le moment

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