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Toutes les infos concerts Kate Rusby

À quoi s'attendre pour Kate Rusby en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Kate Rusby lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Hail Chime On, Hark Hark, Sweet Bells, Christmas Is Merry, Let the Bells Ring.

Kate Rusby a interprété plus rarement Little Town of Bethlehem, Paradise, Cornish Wassailing, The Holly King, Here We Come A-Wassailing, Dilly Carol, Kris Kringle, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Winter Wonderland, B. B. B. B., Instrumental Melody - Happy Little Phoebe /Barnacle Boy /Happy Christmas / / /, Sweet Chiming Bells, Yorkshire Merry Christmas, The Moon Shines Bright, Deck the Halls, Joseph, Glorious, Spean, Nothin' For Christmas, Rusby Shepherds, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Bradfield, Nowell, Nowell, Instrumental medley, Arrest These Merry Gentlemen.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Kate Rusby et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Kate Rusby à Gateshead United Kingdom

  • Setlist Kate Rusby à Nottingham United Kingdom

  • Setlist Kate Rusby à Sheffield United Kingdom

    1. Hark Hark
    2. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
    3. Nowell, Nowell
    4. Arrest These Merry Gentlemen
    5. Christmas Is Merry
    6. Hail Chime On
    7. Spean
    8. Glorious
    1. Joseph
    2. The Moon Shines Bright
    3. Deck the Halls
    4. Nothin' For Christmas
    5. Rusby Shepherds
    6. Instrumental medley
    7. Let the Bells Ring
    8. Bradfield
    1. Sweet Bells
    2. Yorkshire Merry Christmas

  • Setlist Kate Rusby à Croydon United Kingdom

  • Setlist Kate Rusby à Bath United Kingdom

    1. Hark Hark
    2. Sweet Chiming Bells
    3. Here We Come A-Wassailing
    4. Christmas Is Merry
    5. The Holly King
    6. Cornish Wassailing
    7. Hail Chime On
    8. Little Town of Bethlehem
    1. Paradise
    2. Dilly Carol
    3. Kris Kringle
    4. Let the Bells Ring
    5. Instrumental Melody - Happy Little Phoebe /Barnacle Boy /Happy Christmas / / /
    6. B. B. B. B.
    7. Winter Wonderland
    1. Sweet Bells
    2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas

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