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Toutes les infos concerts Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation

À quoi s'attendre pour Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Lucid Sapphire, Desire, Dunes, Endless Ocean, Feel the Sun, Diamond Waves, Tell It to the Wind, Sanity, Rushing Through My Mind, Anything So Bright, Take Me Beyond.

Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation a interprété plus rarement Talk, You Have Arrived, Sister Green Eyes, Green Blue Fields, Let It Come, I Can Feel It, Free, Caramel Head, Sunny Afternoon, The State (I'm in), Baby Come On, Looking for You, Only Lovers.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation à Visby Sweden

    1. Endless Ocean
    2. Sanity
    3. Caramel Head
    4. Anything So Bright
    5. Take Me Beyond
    6. Rushing Through My Mind
    7. Diamond Waves
    8. Desire
    9. Lucid Sapphire
    10. Dunes
    1. Sunny Afternoon
    2. Tell It to the Wind
    3. Feel the Sun

  • Setlist Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation à Nelson New Zealand

    1. Endless Ocean
    2. The State (I'm in)
    3. Baby Come On
    4. Free
    5. Looking for You
    1. Rushing Through My Mind
    2. Take Me Beyond
    3. Only Lovers
    4. Let It Come
    5. Anything So Bright
    6. You Have Arrived
    1. Talk
    2. Sanity
    3. Diamond Waves
    4. I Can Feel It
    5. Desire
    6. Lucid Sapphire
    7. Dunes
    1. Sister Green Eyes
    2. Green Blue Fields
    3. Tell It to the Wind
    4. Feel the Sun

Autres setlists :