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Toutes les infos concerts Ghost Light

À quoi s'attendre pour Ghost Light en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Ghost Light lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Take Some Time, The Healing.

Ghost Light a interprété plus rarement Swimming at Night, This Thing Ain't Goin' Nowheres, They Sing "Old Time Religion", Nickels & Dimes, Boy, Isosceles, Bullseye Blues, An Epic Battle Between Light and Dark, Best Kept Secret, Bring it in Close, Lead Weight, Old Fashioned, American Babies, beyond/before, What Does It Mean to Be.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Ghost Light et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Ghost Light à Eugene United States

  • Setlist Ghost Light à Philadelphia United States

    1. Keep Your Hands to Yourself
    2. State Police
    3. The Healing
    4. I Dare You
    5. Sweet Unlimited
    1. Take Some Time
    2. Dig a Hole
    3. Don't Come Apart Just Yet, My Dear
    4. Streets of Brooklyn
    5. Bring it in Close
    6. Faces in the Moon
    7. Diamond Eyes

  • Setlist Ghost Light à Fairfield United States

    1. Best Kept Secret
    2. Lead Weight
    3. Take Some Time
    4. The Healing
    1. Faces in the Moon
    2. An Epic Battle Between Light and Dark
    3. Joeline
    4. I Dare You
    5. Winter War Games
    6. Old Fashioned
    7. beyond/before
    8. Don't Say Goodnight Just Yet
    1. American Babies

  • Setlist Ghost Light à Morristown United States

    1. What Does It Mean to Be
    2. Diamond Eyes
    3. State Police
    4. Winter War Games
    5. The Healing
    1. Take Some Time
    2. Don't Come Apart Just Yet, My Dear
    3. Swimming at Night
    4. This Thing Ain't Goin' Nowheres
    5. Don't Say Goodnight Just Yet
    6. Dig a Hole

  • Setlist Ghost Light à Ferndale United States

    1. They Sing "Old Time Religion"
    2. Nickels & Dimes
    3. Joeline
    4. The Healing
    5. Streets of Brooklyn
    1. Take Some Time
    2. Don't Come Apart Just Yet, My Dear
    3. Isosceles
    4. Keep Your Hands to Yourself
    5. Sweet Unlimited
    6. Boy
    7. Bullseye Blues

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