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Toutes les infos concerts Fairport Convention

À quoi s'attendre pour Fairport Convention en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Fairport Convention lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Matty Groves, Bankruptured, Walk Awhile, Steampunkery.

Fairport Convention a interprété plus rarement Moondust and Solitude, Fotheringay, Devil's Work, Trumpet Hornpipe, My Love Is in America, Meet on the Ledge.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Fairport Convention et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Matlock United Kingdom

    1. Walk Awhile
    2. Genesis Hall
    3. Bankruptured
    4. Hawkwood's Army
    5. Sir William Gower
    6. The Festival Bell
    7. Sloth
    1. Don't Reveal My Name
    2. The Happy Man
    3. Crazy Man Michael
    4. The Year of Fifty Nine
    5. I'm Already There
    6. Polly on the Shore
    7. Steampunkery
    8. The Hiring Fair
    9. Matty Groves

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Southampton United Kingdom

    1. Walk Awhile
    2. Genesis Hall
    3. Bankruptured
    4. Hawkwood's Army
    5. Sir William Gower
    6. The Festival Bell
    7. Sloth
    1. Don't Reveal My Name
    2. The Happy Man
    3. Crazy Man Michael
    4. The Year of Fifty Nine
    5. I'm Already There
    6. Polly on the Shore
    7. Steampunkery
    8. The Hiring Fair
    9. Matty Groves

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Loughborough United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Oxford United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. Walk Awhile
    2. Genesis Hall
    3. Bankruptured
    4. Hawkwood's Army
    5. Sir William Gower
    6. The Festival Bell
    7. Sloth
    1. Don't Reveal My Name
    2. The Happy Man
    3. Crazy Man Michael
    4. The Year of Fifty Nine
    5. I'm Already There
    6. Polly on the Shore
    7. Steampunkery
    8. The Hiring Fair
    9. Matty Groves

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Banbury United Kingdom

    1. Walk Awhile
    2. Doctor of Physick
    3. The Banks of Sweet Primroses
    4. Bankruptured
    5. Cider Rain
    6. The Year of Fifty Nine
    7. Lalla Rookh
    8. The Festival Bell
    9. Steampunkery
    1. Royal Seleccion No. 13
    2. Honour and Praise
    3. My Love Is in America
    4. Moses Waits
    5. Portmeirion
    6. The Happy Man
    7. John Gaudie
    8. Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
    9. Matty Groves
    1. Trumpet Hornpipe
    2. Meet on the Ledge

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Southend-on-Sea United Kingdom

    1. Reynardine
    2. Walk Awhile
    3. Cider Rain
    4. My Love Is In America
    5. Polly On The Shore
    6. The Year of Fifty Nine
    7. Steampunkery
    8. Sloth
    9. The Journeyman's Grace
    10. The Banks of Sweet Primroses
    11. Bankruptured
    12. Portmeirion
    13. Moondust And Solitude
    14. Doctor of Physick
    15. The Hiring Fair
    16. Matty Groves

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à London United Kingdom

    1. Reynardine
    2. Walk Awhile
    3. Cider Rain
    4. My Love Is In America
    5. Polly On The Shore
    6. The Year of Fifty Nine
    7. Steampunkery
    8. Sloth
    1. The Journeyman's Grace
    2. Banks of the Sweet Primroses
    3. Bankruptured
    4. Portmeirion
    5. Moondust And Solitude
    6. Doctor of Physick
    7. The Hiring Fair
    8. Matty Groves

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Southport United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Bath United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Harpenden United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Solihull United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Wavendon United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Newbury United Kingdom

  • Setlist Fairport Convention à Glasgow United Kingdom

    1. Walk Awhile
    2. Doctor of Physick
    3. Cider Rain
    4. Banks of the Sweet Primroses
    5. Bankruptured
    6. The Hiring Fair
    7. Devil's Work
    8. Moses Waits
    9. Steampunkery
    10. Moondust and Solitude
    11. Royal Seleccion No. 13
    12. Lalla Rookh
    13. Honour and Praise
    14. Fotheringay
    15. Portmeirion
    16. John Gaudie
    17. Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
    18. Matty Groves

Autres setlists :