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Toutes les infos concerts Courtney Barnett

À quoi s'attendre pour Courtney Barnett en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Courtney Barnett lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Oh the Night, Depreston, Sunday Roast, Here's the Thing, Before You Gotta Go, Avant Gardener, City Looks Pretty, Rae Street.

Courtney Barnett a interprété plus rarement Walkin' on Eggshells, Chastity Belt, Start Somewhere.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Courtney Barnett et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Brattleboro United States

    1. Start Somewhere
    2. Rae Street
    3. City Looks Pretty
    4. Avant Gardener
    5. Here's the Thing
    6. Oh the Night
    7. Depreston
    8. Walkin' on Eggshells
    9. Sunday Roast
    10. Before You Gotta Go
    1. Chastity Belt

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Melbourne Australia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Meredith Australia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Paris France

    1. Love is Overtaking Me
    2. Rae Street
    3. Sunfair Sundown
    4. Avant Gardener
    5. Nameless, Faceless
    6. Need a Little Time
    7. Small Poppies
    8. Turning Green
    9. Depreston
    10. Here's the Thing
    11. Elevator Operator
    12. City Looks Pretty
    13. Lance Jr
    14. If I Don't Hear from You Tonight
    15. History Eraser
    16. Pedestrian at Best
    17. Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go to the Party
    18. Write a List of Things to Look Forward To
    1. Oh the Night
    2. Sunday Roast
    3. Before You Gotta Go

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Cologne Germany

    1. Rae Street
    2. Sunfair Sundown
    3. Avant Gardener
    4. Nameless, Faceless
    5. Need a Little Time
    6. Small Poppies
    7. Turning Green
    8. Depreston
    9. Here's the Thing
    10. Elevator Operator
    11. City Looks Pretty
    12. Lance Jr
    13. History Eraser
    14. If I Don't Hear from You Tonight
    15. Pedestrian at Best
    16. Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go to the Party
    17. Write a List of Things to Look Forward To
    1. Oh the Night
    2. Sunday Roast
    3. Before You Gotta Go

  • Setlist Courtney Barnett à Amsterdam Netherlands

    1. Love is Overtaking Me
    2. Rae Street
    3. Sunfair Sundown
    4. Avant Gardener
    5. Nameless, Faceless
    6. Need a Little Time
    7. Small Poppies
    8. Turning Green
    9. Depreston
    10. Here's the Thing
    11. City Looks Pretty
    12. Elevator Operator
    13. Lance Jr
    14. If I Don't Hear from You Tonight
    15. History Eraser
    16. Pedestrian at Best
    17. Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go to the Party
    18. Write a List of Things to Look Forward To
    1. Oh the Night
    2. Sunday Roast
    3. Before You Gotta Go

Autres setlists :