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Toutes les infos concerts Colin Parton

À quoi s'attendre pour Colin Parton en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Colin Parton lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Single Life, Surprise!! You're Here, The Last Time That I Saw You, Old Times, Gr3yworld, Therapy Bill, I Like You, Change, In My Dreams, Do You Know?, The Decision, Normal Life, Healing, That's My Ex, The Other Side, Just Imagine, Don't Blame Me, Patiently Pray, We Can Be Friends Now, What If?, My Soulmate (Spoken Poem), Ever Changing, Memory Lane, Four Wheeler, The Sunrise, Living a Lie, Left you in 2019, Drier Than My Dms, Undercover Lover, Do You Need Something, Golden, Reputation, Situationship, Just Not It, ...Ready for It?, skyline highlights, exes, Vigilante Shit, Would Have At Least Said Goodbye, Cityscape, Karma.

Colin Parton a interprété plus rarement Glouris Day, Great Are You Lord, Change Livestrams, New House, Verge Of A Kiss, Intro.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Colin Parton et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Colin Parton à Marion United States

    1. Change
    2. Drier Than My Dms
    3. Undercover Lover
    4. Do You Need Something
    5. Left you in 2019
    6. Living a Lie
    7. Ever Changing
    1. Memory Lane
    2. Four Wheeler
    3. Reputation
    4. Golden
    5. Would Have At Least Said Goodbye
    1. Cityscape
    2. Karma
    3. Vigilante Shit
    4. exes
    5. Situationship
    6. Just Not It
    7. ...Ready for It?
    8. skyline highlights
    1. The Sunrise
    2. What If?
    3. I Like You
    4. My Soulmate (Spoken Poem)
    1. In My Dreams
    2. Therapy Bill
    3. Gr3yworld
    1. Single Life
    2. Surprise!! You're Here
    3. The Last Time That I Saw You
    4. Old Times
    1. Do You Know?
    2. The Decision
    3. New House
    4. Verge Of A Kiss
    5. Don't Blame Me
    1. Patiently Pray
    2. We Can Be Friends Now
    3. Just Imagine
    4. The Other Side
    5. Normal Life
    6. Healing
    7. That's My Ex

  • Setlist Colin Parton à Marion United States

    1. Intro
    2. Change
    3. Drier Than My Dms
    4. Undercover Lover
    5. Do You Need Something
    6. Left you in 2019
    7. Living a Lie
    8. Ever Changing
    1. Memory Lane
    2. Four Wheeler
    3. Reputation
    4. Golden
    5. Would Have At Least Said Goodbye
    1. Cityscape
    2. Karma
    3. Vigilante Shit
    4. exes
    5. Situationship
    6. Just Not It
    7. ...Ready for It?
    8. skyline highlights
    1. The Sunrise
    2. What If?
    3. I Like You
    4. My Soulmate (Spoken Poem)
    1. In My Dreams
    2. Therapy Bill
    3. Gr3yworld
    4. Change Livestrams
    1. Single Life
    2. Surprise!! You're Here
    3. The Last Time That I Saw You
    4. Old Times
    1. Do You Know?
    2. The Decision
    3. Glouris Day
    4. Great Are You Lord
    5. Don't Blame Me
    1. Patiently Pray
    2. We Can Be Friends Now
    3. Just Imagine
    4. The Other Side
    5. Normal Life
    6. Healing
    7. That's My Ex

  • Setlist Colin Parton à Unknown City United States

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  • Setlist Colin Parton à Unknown City United States

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  • Setlist Colin Parton à Unknown City United States

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  • Setlist Colin Parton à St. Louis United States

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  • Setlist Colin Parton à St. Louis United States

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