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Toutes les infos concerts Clan of Xymox

À quoi s'attendre pour Clan of Xymox en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Clan of Xymox lors de leurs derniers concerts sont She, All I Ever Know, A Day, Obsession, Back Door, Emily, Loneliness, Your Kiss, Louise.

Clan of Xymox a interprété plus rarement Jasmine And Rose, This World, Muscoviet Mosquito, Farewell, There's No Tomorrow, Intro Vince & Love Got Lost, Innocent, Intro (Stranger).

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Clan of Xymox et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Buenos Aires Argentina

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Warsaw Poland

    1. Intro Vince & Love Got Lost
    2. There's No Tomorrow
    3. Innocent
    4. Your Kiss
    5. Jasmine & Rose
    6. Louise
    7. Emily
    8. All I Ever Know
    9. Loneliness
    10. She
    11. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Musquito
    3. Michelle
    4. Back Door
    5. Lockdown

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Portland United States

    1. Intro (Stranger)
    2. Stranger
    3. Your Kiss
    4. Jasmine and Rose
    5. Louise
    6. Emily
    7. All I Ever Know
    8. Lovers
    9. Spider on the Wall
    10. Loneliness
    11. She
    12. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Musquito
    3. Back Door
    1. Michelle
    2. Going Round

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Belfast United Kingdom

    1. Stranger
    2. Your Kiss
    3. Jasmine and Rose
    4. Louise
    5. Emily
    6. All I Ever Know
    7. Lovers
    8. Spider on the Wall
    9. Loneliness
    10. She
    11. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Musquito
    3. Back Door
    1. Hail Mary
    2. In Love We Trust
    3. Lockdown

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Kansas City United States

    1. Stranger
    2. Your Kiss
    3. Jasmine and Rose
    4. Louise
    5. Emily
    6. All I Ever Know
    7. Lovers
    8. Spider on the Wall
    9. Loneliness
    10. She
    11. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Musquito
    3. Back Door

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Orlando United States

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Brooklyn United States

    1. Stranger
    2. Your Kiss
    3. Jasmine & Rose
    4. Louise
    5. Emily
    6. All I Ever Know
    7. Lovers
    8. Spider on the Wall
    9. Loneliness
    10. She
    11. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Mosquito
    3. Back Door

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Philadelphia United States

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Somerville United States

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Goes Netherlands

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Clan of Xymox à Rüsselsheim Germany

    1. Stranger
    2. Your Kiss
    3. Jasmine And Rose
    4. Louise
    5. Emily
    6. All I Ever Know
    7. Lovers
    8. Spider on the Wall
    9. Loneliness
    10. She
    11. A Day
    1. Obsession
    2. Muscoviet Musquito
    3. Back Door
    1. Hail Mary
    2. In Love We Trust
    3. Lockdown
    1. This World
    2. Going Round
    3. Farewell

Autres setlists :