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Toutes les infos concerts Brad Mehldau

À quoi s'attendre pour Brad Mehldau en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Brad Mehldau lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Beatles, Don't Let It Bring You Down, Suite: April 2020: V. Remembering Before All This, Suite: April 2020: X. In the Kitchen.

Brad Mehldau a interprété plus rarement Color Bars, Suite: April 2020: XII. Lullaby, Suite: April 2020: VII. The Day Moves By, "Suite: April 2020: IX. Waiting, She Said She Said, Satellite, Optimistic, Paul McCartney, Bobby Timmons, Hey Joe, Paris, Suite: April 2020: VI. Uncertainty, Resignation, If I Needed Someone, Suite: April 2020: II. Stepping Outside, Saint Anne's Reel, There's Your Grace, Little by Little, Here, There and Everywhere, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles) / Nocturne No. 7 in C# Minor (Fauré), Lithium, Golden Slumbers, John Boy / Sweet Adeline (Elliott Smith) / Already Dead (Beck), Suite: April 2020: III. Keeping Distance, Suite: April 2020: I. Waking Up, L.A. Pastorale, Bob Dylan, Suite: April 2020: IV. Stopping, Listening: Hearing.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Brad Mehldau et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à Cincinnati United States

    1. John Boy / Sweet Adeline (Elliott Smith) / Already Dead (Beck)
    2. Suite: April 2020: X. In the Kitchen
    3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles) / Nocturne No. 7 in C# Minor (Fauré)
    4. Here, There and Everywhere
    5. Little by Little
    6. Saint Anne's Reel
    7. Don't Let It Bring You Down
    8. There's Your Grace
    9. Lithium
    10. Suite: April 2020: V. Remembering Before All This
    11. Golden Slumbers
    1. Bob Dylan
    1. The Beatles

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à Toronto Canada

    1. L.A. Pastorale
    2. Suite: April 2020: I. Waking Up
    3. Suite: April 2020: II. Stepping Outside
    4. Suite: April 2020: III. Keeping Distance
    5. Suite: April 2020: IV. Stopping, Listening: Hearing
    6. Suite: April 2020: V. Remembering Before All This
    7. Suite: April 2020: VI. Uncertainty
    8. Suite: April 2020: VII. The Day Moves By
    9. "Suite: April 2020: IX. Waiting
    10. Suite: April 2020: X. In the Kitchen
    11. Suite: April 2020: XII. Lullaby
    12. Satellite
    13. Color Bars
    14. She Said She Said
    15. If I Needed Someone
    16. Don't Let It Bring You Down
    17. Optimistic
    18. Resignation
    19. Paris
    20. Hey Joe
    1. Paul McCartney
    1. The Beatles
    1. Bobby Timmons

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à Osaka Japan

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à Tokyo Japan

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à New York United States

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à New York United States

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à New York United States

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à New York United States

  • Setlist Brad Mehldau à New York United States

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