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Toutes les infos concerts Björk

À quoi s'attendre pour Björk en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Björk lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Isobel, Bird Sounds and Soundscapes.

Björk a interprété plus rarement I've Seen It All, Freefall, Lionsong, Come to Me, Aurora, Hyperballad, Hunter, Jóga, Stonemilker, Happy Birthday to You, Quicksand, You've Been Flirting Again, Pluto, A Message by Swedish Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg, Victimhood, Fossora / Atopos, Arpegggio, Claimstaker, Venus as a Boy, Mycelia, Future Forever, Hidden Place, Body Memory, Atopos, Voyces Choir Prelude, Mouth's Cradle.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Björk et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Björk à Reykjavik Iceland

  • Setlist Björk à Floirac France

    1. Bird Sounds and Soundscapes
    2. Family
    3. The Gate
    4. Utopia
    5. Arisen My Senses
    6. Ovule
    7. Show Me Forgiveness
    8. Venus as a Boy
    9. Claimstaker
    10. Isobel
    11. Blissing Me
    12. Arpegggio
    13. Victimhood
    14. Fossora / Atopos
    15. Features Creatures
    16. Courtship
    17. Pagan Poetry
    18. Losss
    19. Sue Me
    20. Tabula Rasa
    1. A Message by Swedish Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg
    2. Mycelia
    3. Future Forever
    4. Notget
    5. Bird Sounds and Soundscapes

  • Setlist Björk à Perth Australia

    1. Bird Sounds and Soundscapes
    2. Voyces Choir Prelude
    3. Family
    4. The Gate
    5. Utopia
    6. Arisen My Senses
    7. Ovule
    8. Atopos
    9. Show Me Forgiveness
    10. Isobel
    11. Blissing Me
    12. Body Memory
    13. Hidden Place
    14. Mouth's Cradle
    15. Features Creatures
    16. Courtship
    17. Pagan Poetry
    18. Losss
    19. Sue Me
    20. Tabula Rasa

  • Setlist Björk à Buenos Aires Argentina

    1. Stonemilker
    2. Aurora
    3. Come to Me
    4. Lionsong
    5. I've Seen It All
    6. Freefall
    7. Hunter
    8. You've Been Flirting Again
    9. Isobel
    10. Jóga
    11. Quicksand
    12. Notget
    13. Hyperballad
    1. Happy Birthday to You
    2. Pluto

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