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Toutes les infos concerts AURORA

À quoi s'attendre pour AURORA en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par AURORA lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Running With the Wolves, Giving In to the Love, Cure for Me, The Seed, Exist for Love, Runaway, Heathens, The River.

AURORA a interprété plus rarement Your Blood, Seven Nation Army first verse to crowd chanting, A Little Place Called the Moon, Sometype Of Skin, Queendom, Infections of a Different Kind, Exhale Inhale, The Conflict of the Mind.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par AURORA et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist AURORA à London United Kingdom

    1. Exhale Inhale
    2. Runaway
    3. Your Blood
    4. Heathens
    5. The River
    6. Sometype Of Skin
    7. Exist for Love
    8. The Conflict of the Mind
    9. The Seed
    10. Running With the Wolves
    11. Giving In to the Love
    1. Through the Eyes of a Child
    2. Cure for Me

  • Setlist AURORA à Prague Czechia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist AURORA à Mexico City Mexico

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist AURORA à Santiago Chile

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist AURORA à Adelaide Australia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist AURORA à Sydney Australia

    1. Heathens
    2. Blood in the Wine
    3. Infections of a Different Kind
    4. The River
    5. All Is Soft Inside
    6. Daydreamer
    7. A Potion for Love
    8. Exist for Love
    9. A Dangerous Thing
    10. Runaway
    11. Churchyard
    12. The Seed
    13. Queendom
    14. Running With the Wolves
    1. Cure for Me
    2. Giving In to the Love

  • Setlist AURORA à Oslo Norway

    1. Churchyard
    2. All Is Soft Inside
    3. A Dangerous Thing
    4. Runaway
    5. The River
    6. Daydreamer
    7. A Potion for Love
    8. A Temporary High
    9. Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    10. The Forbidden Fruits of Eden
    11. Heathens
    12. Blood in the Wine
    13. The Seed
    14. Running With the Wolves
    1. Seven Nation Army first verse to crowd chanting
    2. Exist for Love
    3. Cure for Me
    4. Giving In to the Love

  • Setlist AURORA à Oslo Norway

    1. A Little Place Called the Moon
    2. A Potion for Love
    3. A Dangerous Thing
    4. Churchyard
    5. Runaway
    6. Through the Eyes of a Child
    7. The River
    8. Daydreamer
    9. A Temporary High
    10. Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    11. The Forbidden Fruits of Eden
    12. Heathens
    13. Blood in the Wine
    14. The Seed
    15. Running With the Wolves
    1. Exist for Love
    2. Cure for Me
    3. Giving In to the Love

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