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Toutes les infos concerts Angra

À quoi s'attendre pour Angra en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Angra lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Carry On, Nova Era, Rebirth, Unfinished Allegro, Angels Cry, Nothing to Say.

Angra a interprété plus rarement Turn It On Again, The Show Must Go On, Silent Call, Here in the Now, Lullaby for Lucifer, ØMNI - Silence Inside, Tom Sawyer.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Angra et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Angra à Campinas Brazil

    1. Crossing
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Tide of Changes - Part I
    5. Tide of Changes - Part II
    6. Newborn Me
    7. Lisbon
    8. Vida seca
    9. Dead Man on Display
    10. Rebirth
    11. Morning Star
    12. Time
    13. Cycles of Pain
    14. Cyclus doloris
    15. Ride Into the Storm
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era

  • Setlist Angra à Limeira Brazil

    1. Turn It On Again
    2. Crossing
    3. Nothing to Say
    4. Angels Cry
    5. Newborn Me
    6. Lisbon
    7. Vida seca
    8. Dead Man on Display
    9. Rebirth
    10. Morning Star
    11. Time
    1. Silent Call
    2. Make Believe
    1. Cycles of Pain
    2. Cyclus doloris
    3. Ride Into the Storm
    4. Bleeding Heart
    5. Tide of Changes - Part I
    6. Tide of Changes - Part II
    7. The Show Must Go On
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era

  • Setlist Angra à São Luís Brazil

    1. Crossing
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Tide of Changes - Part I
    5. Tide of Changes - Part II
    6. Lisbon
    7. Vida seca
    8. Dead Man on Display
    9. Rebirth
    10. Morning Star
    11. Here in the Now
    12. Cyclus doloris
    13. Ride Into the Storm
    1. Lullaby for Lucifer
    2. Gentle Change
    1. Cycles of Pain
    2. ØMNI - Silence Inside
    3. Bleeding Heart
    4. Waiting Silence
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era

  • Setlist Angra à São José dos Campos Brazil

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Angra à São Paulo Brazil

    1. Tom Sawyer
    2. Newborn Me
    3. Nothing to Say
    4. Angels Cry
    5. Travelers of Time
    6. Ego Painted Grey
    7. Late Redemption
    8. Rebirth
    9. Lease of Life
    1. Reaching Horizons
    2. Make Believe
    1. Waiting Silence
    2. Bleeding Heart
    3. Magic Mirror
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era
    4. ØMNI - Infinite Nothing

  • Setlist Angra à Copenhagen Denmark

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Angra à Lisbon Portugal

    1. Newborn Me
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Travelers of Time
    5. Lisbon
    6. Ego Painted Grey
    7. Late Redemption
    8. Rebirth
    9. Winds of Destination
    10. Lease of Life
    11. Black Widow's Web
    12. Waiting Silence
    13. Bleeding Heart
    14. Magic Mirror
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era

  • Setlist Angra à Buenos Aires Argentina

    1. Newborn Me
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Travelers of Time
    5. Lisbon
    6. Ego Painted Grey
    7. Late Redemption
    8. Rebirth
    9. Winds of Destination
    10. Lease of Life
    11. Black Widow's Web
    1. Reaching Horizons
    2. Make Believe
    1. Waiting Silence
    2. Bleeding Heart
    3. Magic Mirror
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era
    4. ØMNI - Infinite Nothing

  • Setlist Angra à Mexico City Mexico

    1. Newborn Me
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Travelers of Time
    5. Lisbon
    6. Ego Painted Grey
    7. Late Redemption
    8. Rebirth
    9. Winds of Destination
    10. Lease of Life
    11. Black Widow's Web
    1. Reaching Horizons
    2. Make Believe
    1. Waiting Silence
    2. Bleeding Heart
    3. Magic Mirror
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era
    4. ØMNI - Infinite Nothing

  • Setlist Angra à Guadalajara Mexico

    1. Newborn Me
    2. Nothing to Say
    3. Angels Cry
    4. Travelers of Time
    5. Lisbon
    6. Ego Painted Grey
    7. Late Redemption
    8. Rebirth
    9. Winds of Destination
    10. Lease of Life
    11. Black Widow's Web
    1. Reaching Horizons
    2. Make Believe
    3. Gentle Change
    1. Waiting Silence
    2. Bleeding Heart
    3. Magic Mirror
    1. Unfinished Allegro
    2. Carry On
    3. Nova Era

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